e-Learning Benefits and ROI
In most cases, the biggest quandary an organization must solve is to put together a rational, i.e., a cost justified, business case why they should spend capital to invest in a learning management system. The focus of this white paper will outline the benefits of web-based training along with a practical framework for developing ROI when looking at cost of traditional training methods verses e-Learning.

Strategic advantages of e-Learning
Supports a global workforce
Web-based training is a powerful instrument for developing a global labor force. Web-based training can deliver custom, sophisticated instruction to employees all around the planet.
Connected to Faster Development Lifecycles
Companies that create today’s best of breed products and services are now introducing their products more quickly into the marketplace. The use of web-based learning management systems allows your organization’s training function to keep pace with the market.
Managing in flat organizations
E-Learning can help by delivering training for those areas which line managers are normally responsible, such as product training. They are then freed up to tackle other pressing priorities in their workday.
Adjusting to employee needs
Economic and demographic shifts have fueled the growth of telecommuting, virtual offices, job- sharing, and flextime. Delivering training via the Internet overcomes the obstacles imposed by the exigencies of a transient workforce.
Supports a contigent workforce
The number of contingent workers, such as temporaries, consultants, retirees who work part-time, the self-employed has increased dramatically over the last decade. E-Learning solutions and web-based learning management systems are invaluable tools to train and manage this unique labor force.
Employee retention
Education has become a critical lynch pin in a company’s or organization’s worker benefits portfolio. Workers in today’s new economy are not as afraid to move to a new position if they feel their interests and career welfare are better provided for in a different environment.
Increased productivity and profitability
E-learning programs and training increase employee knowledge and skill levels. As they become better at their jobs, they sell more products, reduce waste, are more productive and efficient. An educated, well-trained workforce is the main driver to profitability for today’s businesses.
About SyberWorks
With over 25 years of experience delivering technology to meet the needs of highly regulated organizations, SyberWorks is the market leader in tailored, compliant learning experiences.