Group curricula into job roles for easy assignment
Requirements are easy to assign and in many cases can be completely automated.

Make sure that your training stays relevant.
Training based on one or more assigned job rolesAs roles change, requirements are automatically removed
Training records themselves are never removed
Employees can see reports of their progress toward job role mastery
Employees can see how their current skills match other jobs for career planning
Associate learning with roles
Specific sets of learning requirements (curricula) are associated with a job role. When a user is assigned a job role, they are assigned all the related requirements automatically. A user may be assigned multiple job roles such as one representing new-hire onboarding and one or more associated with their specific job or location.

Set up timely progression
Requirement due dates may be a specific date, multiple dates based on offsets from the assignment date, or in specific months during the year.
Help employees understand career paths
Employees can see how close their current competencies match the requirements of other positions they may aspire to.

Schedule a personalized 1:1
Talk to a SyberWorks expert about how we can help with your organization’s unique learning management needs.
Explore additional benefits of the SyberWorks LMS solution
System Integration
Integrated LMS, DMS, and QMS to streamline organization wide compliance and training needs.
Tailored to fit your needs. Flexible to grow with you over time. With you every step of the way.
Turn documents into effective, compliant training. Use our integrated LMS to assign training at the right time.
Maintain the quality of your manufacturing processes. Review processes, analyze results, continuously improve.
Messaging & Reminders
Keep employees informed and reminded of required trainings. Set at intervals tailored to your needs.
Create your own courses using current content, or integrate with off-the-shelf learning libraries.
Mobile Learning
Learn any time, any place. Access the system with any standard browser or smart phone.
Measure all aspects of learning and compliance activity with over 70 standard, simple-to-use reports.
Access Control
Role-based UI that maps to your organizational hierarchy. Employees, managers, administrators, and more.
Job Roles & Curricula
Group curricula into job roles for easy assignment. Customize role progressions for employees.
Course Catalog
Enable learners to access a rich catalog of courseware to help them grow. Integrated with e-Commerce.
Get essential feedback and organize employee reviews. Capture feedback in a wide variety of formats.