Train more efficiently using 8 LMS administration strategies

Achieve 75% time savings and maximize your efficiency using an learning management system for your business training.


Efficient training administration is essential for organizations striving to streamline operations. While online training inherently reduces administrative overhead by automating result recording, there are several additional strategies to maximize time savings, potentially reducing training administration efforts by up to 75%. In this blog post, we outline eight specific strategies you can employ to streamline training operations and save time.

As our customers can attest: SyberWorks has cut the time we spent doing data entry, paperwork and filing down by at least 75%. My employees are able to do more of the creative work they enjoy and make progress on their long-term projects and proposals.”

- John W., Methodist Children’s Home


Learning Management System Strategies To Build Towards Efficient Administration

Streamline Training Assignments

Define Job Roles and Associated Training: Implement a systematic approach by defining job roles and linking them to required training. When an individual is assigned a job role, the Learning Management System (LMS) can automatically assign all related training requirements.

Monitor Groups for Bulk Actions: Create monitor groups, either by adding specific individuals or using database queries based on user properties like title, hire date, and department. These dynamic groups allow for efficient mass actions such as job role assignments, class enrollments, authorizations for online training, result recording, and more.

Department-Based Actions: Simplify administration by selecting a department and applying actions to all or specific users within that department.

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Manage Class Administration Efficiently

Easy Result Entry: When users are enrolled in a class, streamline result recording for the entire class with just a few clicks. Utilize defaults for most members, with selective overrides (e.g., marking specific attendees as "No Show") before updating all results.

Integrate with HR Systems

Keep User Data Current: Establish an interface between your LMS and HR system. This typically involves nightly updates from HR to the LMS, ensuring user data remains up-to-date. Users not present in the file or marked as inactive are automatically reflected as inactive in the LMS.

Automatic Role Assignment: Job roles can be imported from the HR system. When roles are assigned, associated requirements are automatically allocated. If a user is no longer associated with a role, the requirements linked to that role are removed.

Delegate User-Managed Training Record Entry

Self-Reporting Off-Site Training: Allow users to enter off-site training records themselves, including uploading course certificates. Administrative efficiency is achieved by reviewing and approving these records with a simple click to update the user's official transcript.

Develop Read-and-Sign Courses for Procedures

Automated Procedure Courses: Transform procedure documents into electronic read-and-sign courses for users, optionally including quizzes for comprehension assessment. These courses are automatically assigned based on job roles.

Deliver Automated Notifications and Reminders

Encourage Compliance: Automate notifications for upcoming events and reminders for overdue requirements. This automation saves significant time and applies to both online and instructor-led training. For the latter, pre-class reminders can be sent, and users can be informed of changes or cancellations.

Managerial Visibility: Attach reports to reminders to provide departmental managers with visibility into their team's training status, further promoting compliance.

Build Custom Reports That Are Aligned to Your Business Goals

Tailored Reports: While standard reports are valuable, custom reporting may be necessary for specific needs. Inquire whether your LMS vendor offers custom report creation as a service, either free or for an additional fee.

Ensure Your Vendor Cares About Helping You Improve Constantly

Maximizing LMS Utilization: Recognize that learning the full capabilities of your LMS takes time. Ensure your vendor provides ongoing mentoring and assistance, and clarify whether these services are included or require an additional fee.

Related Post: Unveiling Ai: A Revolutionary Approach to Generating Test Questions

Time-Saving Features With SyberWorks LMS

By implementing labor-saving features within your LMS and leveraging ongoing vendor support, you can realize substantial time savings in training administration, potentially exceeding 75%. Efficiency in training management not only reduces administrative burden but also enhances organizational productivity and compliance.

Interested in seeing how SyberWorks can work for you?




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